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Last Trek of the Elites

By Pomen.


A task was given to me: help a specific demographic of people to create a positive change. What was needed to be answered is how does one make this positive change? There are many approaches to this, but the most effective one is going directly to the sources that affect this demographic's culture. The source is deemed to be the elite of the group; "elite" being the ones who spur overreaching cultural change within the demographic. Therefore, coordinating with the elite population of this demographic will maximize the scope of necessary positive changes.

There are three class types within the elite population, and each has a different role to play for their respective cultures. First, the political elite is the ones who are part of the governing body, and they play a more direct role in the needs of the people based on policy, social change and political influence. This class of elites do not have to be in a direct government position to be a political elite, but they are significant players and voices within the political system. Second, the intelligentsia is the academic ideas and the elite group that focuses on fine arts. This gives the demographic a chance to compete in the market of ideas and creates an identity based around aesthetics for the demographic and their respective elite groups. Finally, we have the business elite, both wealthy and successful traders or entrepreneurs. These are the pioneers of the capital market, and they generate wealth within the group. For the western nations, every nation or demographic needs a functional part of each elite class to survive and thrive in the current global world. If for any reason, the elite groups fail, then their demographics would suffer. If there is a threat in place, then they could see themselves losing the populations influence.

There is an array of catastrophes within the elite that work into the surplus and these elite classes' deficits. Most western groups from a feudalistic tradition have these three class archetypes, but every demographic has some concept of an "elite" in different forms. Regardless of the number of elite archetypes and classes, one of the most crucial elite collapse factors is coordination and cooperation between other elite classes. A lack of coordination and cooperation within elite groups will create an incorrect representation of the people. If there is even a threat of miscommunication or lack thereof, any class of elites will often fail to fight against any collapse. Another concern that affects elite classes is if there is a massive surplus or a deficit of elites. A surplus creates an overly competitive foundation among them with no clear sense of cultural alignment. If the elite is at a deficit, then their respective populations often try to outsource for a new elite class to represent them (as we have seen, since I have been personally asked for my assistance).

The demographic I was tasked with assisting were the Boers of South Africa. To complete this task, I contacted the Boers' aforementioned elite groups and created a few projects to bolster my efforts. Projects were created, and I was in contact with the political elite, but I started to see a much larger problem that made it next to impossible to complete any of the planned projects.

The Boer elite is ultimately weak in their influence, and communication is lacking among themselves. The political elite is relatively small, and they only communicate with other political elites but not any of the other elite classes. Because of their small numbers, they are trying to outsource for an elite. The political elite has created a populistic propaganda campaign to try and obtain this help. Still, the issue is that a populistic voice makes it difficult to capture other nation's elite groups' attention. Moreover, they lack the infrastructure to make it possible to get money from the common folk of other countries.

They have a non-existent intelligentsia, making it difficult to frame the problems with the proper language. Whenever they get into court to fight for their rights, they lack the vocabulary to accomplish their goal and will ultimately be trampled by other intelligentsia groups.

The business elite has lost faith in the nation because many of them and many ordinary people within the business realm face constant threats. Further, there is propaganda that tells them that there is no future in South Africa, and one should flee the country. This loss of faith has effectively disconnected them from other elite groups, and those disconnected classes do not help the Boer's political elite make the situation better.

The Boers' strategy by using populist propaganda to get elites from other nations to help them has proven to be ineffective primarily because the world is in an era of instability. Other countries cannot afford to spend a lot of recourses on a failing elite of another nation. If there were a more concrete solution and not just propaganda, then there would be a greater possibility of cooperation between business and political elite groups of the Boer demographic. If they want to help their people, they need internal cooperation between elite classes. The most significant objective is to initiate communication between the political and business elite class. Otherwise, any project created will inevitably fail. With a larger number of resources, they could outsource for the intelligentsia class to help make a new language to battle the enemies they are facing.

If one questions whether this works, then notice how Boer oppositions are flourishing. They have a highly cooperative political class that are strong global players, and while their internal projects are still ineffective, they even start many projects. They are experienced within the political and know how to doublespeak if necessary. They also have robust diplomatic skills, making other people's elite class more likely to align with them. They also have a vital military capacity if necessary. The intelligentsia are vanguard Marxists that use language to explain and support the atrocities committed against the Boers. If not for the intelligentsia, the elite would lack the expressive language for global interaction and appear negative. Instead, they know how to turn other people to their side using just the right language.

Their business elite class is in a deficit, but they have enough political influence to make business elites financially back them because it is beneficial for business. However, the business class would stop backing the political class if not for the democratic majority. Still, they get the funding they need, and they aid many business elites to make sure the nations political elite and intelligentsia remain in power.

So, my project with the Boers is nearly impossible to complete because they lack resources. The Boers must increase cooperation between elite classes. They need to stop wasting resources on populist propaganda, create new propaganda utilizing hopeful language, and introduce preliminary plans to improve their circumstances. Suppose they want to continue the populist propaganda. In that case, they need the infrastructure to obtain resources from that populist tactic that would influence the business elite to help other elites' classes within their demographic.

To gain an intelligentsia, they can outsource according to their needs, but plentiful resources need to be at their disposal to initiate this. With the current language the Boers use in their media coverage and propaganda, the task will fail. Lastly, suppose the Boers continue without creating cooperation between the elite classes, then they will also fail because any project they initiate will not be successful without the proper resources shared between the elite classes. In these circumstances, the Boer will flee South Africa.

Publication page picture: Five of Wands (Upright), symbolizes: Conflict, disagreements, competition, tension, diversity



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