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The changing of political discourse, Rallying V Language

I am looking at a picture of Martin Heidegger, and my mind goes; Did this man change the world of the political even if he did not do rallies or other political activity. By spending time in university, was that enough to change the world? The answer is yes, but this idea is more important then what we might think.

In the world of the political, there is a focus on rallies and political activism to change the course of political discourse but this is not what has changed the discourse. Thinkers, philosophers and university professors have done more to change the political discourse than any activism ever done. The reason for this is simple at the surface but complicated at the core. Often we only view it as; They wrote books; therefore, they influenced us. That is true, but what do these books do for us? It gives us words to use for explaining everyday events. Changing the language that is used will later create a massive change in our world. While rallies do rally people to create a change, it does not change the language being used. Changing the language comes from a long-standing thought that takes years to develop. With today's riots in America, it has altered political language, but it changed it to already existing language that swapped into the discourse to explain everyday political events.

So if one wants to rally support to a movement, Let's take our movement here, Propertarianism. What must one do, Rally and LARP on the streets to create a change. While that might work in some sense, but if you lack the language being used, then you will fail. You must put the language of your idea into the everyday political discourse of the people, so once a change of views happens, they can use that language. I understand that this might offend you and say "just writing articles, books and larpy YouTube videos won't change the world" and that we need political rallying to the everyday man to get the changes you want. I can understand that but with what instruments will you use to create this change—you lacking one of the instruments, language. If you don't understand what I mean with an instrument, I take it from economics. It means that creating a trade one must have the platform to trade; otherwise, a trade is impossible. This is exactly what is happening in the political also. A platform/instrument must exist for political change to happen. Therefore books, articles or even YouTube videos can create the instrument.

The point with this website and other commutation platforms is to create the instrument for this change. To get into everyday political discourse and say, This is words one can use to explain these concepts and people will then apply that when describing events. For example, our word "Ownership in toto" is a perfect example of how to do that. If we can get that word to be used in political discourse, then we have changed the world forever. Political parties will use it, and political leaders will use it so at the end that will all sum up to a large change in the course of human history. While you might want everyone to follow your idea today that is not going to happen but to create small changes, tomorrow you might have a lot of people that do support your idea. Still, it is all about tomorrow because today you lack the instruments. If you claim that no right-wing party have been influenced this way, I say look at Salvini, Le Pen or even Putin. The people who influenced them are the new-right something that Prop comes from, Let's do like them and influence and teach people.

If we go back to Heidegger before ending this, What did he do? While he did many crazy things during his time, he had a massive influence on the political and in one way many of the alt-right guys follow his words. Richard Spencer, in many ways, are a child of Heidegger with his white awakening, and the future political theory will all take influence from Heidegger. During this Post-modern world, Heidegger has influence in everything, and for the next era of meta-modernism, his influence might be even deeper than before. There is no way getting away from him and all this guy did was write books and do lectures.

To create the language of tomorrow is more important than larping today without the instruments of change.



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